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Common Area Repair Works Subsidy


Subsidy and technical support are provided to encourage building / estate to be organised by owners’ organisations / all owners to carry out comprehensive maintenance works in building common areas.


Eligibility Criteria

1. Private residential or composite (commercial and residential) building aged 30 years or above Note 1 (according to the Occupation Permit)

  (including a building held by a Civil Servants’ Co-operative Building Societies (CBS)); and


2. The average annual rateable value limit of all the domestic units in the building (in the year of 2022-23) should not exceed HK$187,000 in urban

 areas(including Shatin, Kwai Tsing, Tsuen Wan), should not exceed HK$143,000 in the New Territories ;


3. Authorised Person(AP)/Registered Inspector(RI)must be appointed by open tender to carry out condition survey Note 2 and organise the

    respective repair works for the building. Application must be submitted before tendering for such aforementioned person.


4. Must concurrently join “Smart Tender”  Building Rehabilitation Facilitates Services which is subsided by Government.


5. Building has not been within the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) announced redevelopment project Note 3.


Note 1:Excluding: (a) building in single ownership; and (b) building of three storeys or below or New Territories Exempted  Houses.      

Note 2:If the building has completed comprehensive repair works in the past five years, and the Applicant only intends to carry out individual repair or improvement works under supervision of a

    qualified professional, the Applicant may submit relevant documentary proofs to the URA to apply for waiver for conducting comprehensive building condition survey.               
Note 3:(i)For building located within the URA’s announced redevelopment project area but in need of dealing with  the  statutory order or notice, the owners may refer to

      “Maintenance Cost Reimbursement Scheme” of the URA to apply for ex-gratia allowance for the eligible work items.

    (ii)For building located within the URA’s redevelopment project area where owners shall carry out relevant repair works for sake of building safety, e.g. in compliance with the requirements of

        the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme or related statutory notice, the URA will at discretion consider the application. 


Owner's organisations and Applicant's Representatives

If an owners’ corporation(OC)has been formed, the OC should be the Applicant submitting the application to the URA.


For building without an OC(including those held by CBS), all owners collectively or CBS(if appropriate)should be the Applicant submitting the application to the URA. Please refer to the “Application Notes for building without Owners’ Corporation” in Annex I of the IBRAS Application Form for the application requirements and details.



The subsidy must be used in the works in common areas relating to building safety, hygiene and environment friendly works.  All works must comply with statutory requirements. Approved building will enjoy the following subsidy:

General repair works subsidy

The total amount subsidy for each of the Applicant(whichever is the lower):

Nos. of Unit Ceiling Amount of Subsidy within 5 years
20 or less 30% of the approved cost of general repair works and related consultancy fee, capped at HK$150,000
21-49 20% of the approved cost of general repair works and related consultancy fee, capped at HK$150,000
50 or above                20% of the approved cost of general repair works and related consultancy fee, or not more than HK$3,000 per unit, capped at HK$1,200,000

Green Item Subsidy

If the maintenance works include green/environmental friendly works, each of the Applicant will  enjoy the following subsidy(whichever is the lower):

Nos. of Unit Ceiling Amount of Subsidy within 5 years
20 or less    30% of the approved cost of green items and related consultancy fee, capped at HK$75,000
21-49 20% of the approved cost of green items and related consultancy fee, capped at HK$75,000
50 or above              20% of the approved cost of green items and related consultancy fee; or not more than HK$1,500 per unit, capped at HK$600,000


Other Relevant Subsidies 

- To encourage the building owners to form OC to carry out building repair works, the Applicant of this Scheme will be granted a subsidy of

  HK$3,000 for forming an OC on condition that the date of issue of the Certificate of Registration of OC falls within 12 months before the

     submission date of the Application Form of the Scheme, and an “Approval-in-Principle Letter” has been granted to the application for the Scheme.


- Owner-occupiers in the building may apply for “Building Maintenace Grant Scheme for Needy Owners” provided by the URA if they need

      financial support. Nonetheless, the total amount of subsidy received under the Scheme and “Building Maintenace Grant Scheme for Needy Owners”

      shall not exceed the actual costs paid for the works. Please refer to “AN-BMGSNO” for details.


- If the Applicant has been approved for the subsidies under 3rd Round “Operation Building Bright 2.0” (“OBB 2.0”), owner-occupiers

     of domestic units in the building who have benefited from OBB 2.0 will not be subsidised under the Scheme. The subsidy amount/ subsidy cap for a 

  building under the Scheme will be accordingly reduced in proportion to the number of owner-occupiers being subsidised by OBB 2.0. Please refer

     to the relevant application notes for details.


- To ensure no double subsidies are granted to the Applicant for each work item, URA will withdraw or deduct the subsidies of the same repair item 

  under the Scheme which has been successfully granted with subsidies / grant under other incentive schemes, e.g.

    “Fire Safety Improvement Works Subsidy Scheme”, “Lift Modernisation Subsidy Scheme”, “Buildings Energy Efficiency Funding Scheme”,      “CLP Eco Building Fund” and “Smart Power Building Fund” etc.

Application Form

Application Form

Integrated Building Rehabilitation Assistance Scheme Application Form (Applicable to Owners' Corporation/Owners' Organisation/Representatives of all owners to apply)